Posted by familylaw on 23rd July 2019
Last updated 26th February 2025
Featured Lawyer of the Month

Each month we are featuring one of our solicitors or chartered executives. We feel strongly that our clients should be matched with the right lawyer, so this is one way of finding out a little more about our team.

Our lawyer of the month for July is Deborah Cahill. Deborah is based at our Plymouth office.

Q&A – Ten Questions

  1. What is your job title?

Solicitor in the Divorce and Finance Team in Plymouth

  1. How long have you been at The Family Law Company?

16 months

  1. How did you come to be at TFLC?

I had been considering a move to Plymouth when I was approached about a position in the Plymouth office.

  1. What inspired you to go into family law?

Family law always interested me even during my degree. Although I have practised in other areas of law, I have always returned to family law. The work is always different day to day and client to client.  As a family lawyer I feel that I am making a difference for my clients.

  1. Describe your specialism/s

Finances following the breakup of relationships, whether married or cohabiting, divorce and children issues.

  1. What would you say are your key strengths as a family lawyer?

My ability to identify the issues and explain the legal position clearly to clients and to understand and represent my client’s views.

  1. What is the achievement you are most proud of in your job?

I have been specialising in family law for nearly 30 years and I’m proud that I am still enthusiastic about my work and committed to getting the best for my client.

  1. Why do you think TFLC is different from other family lawyers?

Because the whole firm solely concentrates on family work, TFLC is able to provide a level of experience and support for clients which other less specialised firms do not. There is a team spirit dedicated to providing the best advice and representation.

  1. Are there any related volunteering roles you undertake?

Not at present as I am still settling in in Plymouth but I would like to in the future.

  1. What do you do to relax?

Sing! I am a member of a barbershop a capella chorus which performs in public regularly.  I also like to walk, especially along the coastal path and to swim when it’s warm enough in the sea.




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