Specialist lawyer in domestic abuse has been asked to provide training to local Housing Officers across the South West.
Supporting the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Domestic Abuse team, the session aims to help Housing Officers to understand the changes under the Domestic Abuse Act but to also provide them with an in depth knowledge of different forms of domestic abuse, what action can be taken such as civil orders like non-molestation orders and what support there is for victims in our County.
Following the changes from 1 October 2021, every relevant local authority must plan and provide accommodation-based support for victims of domestic abuse and their children in its area. The legislation is a positive step forward intended to help anyone at risk of domestic abuse in their home.
Domestic abuse crimes almost doubled in Devon and Cornwall over the last six years – and tens of thousands were recorded during the first year of the coronavirus pandemic. Through training sessions such as this, the South West can take a lead in providing a joined up approach across services to give victims of domestic abuse better support.
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