Posted by Jasmine Galvin on 4th July 2024
How much does divorce cost?

Divorce is never a decision taking lightly and it can be emotionally and financially charging.

At the Family Law Company our specialist family lawyers help client navigate big life decisions including relationship breakdown, child contact and division of assets when a couple divorce.

Divorce cost worries

Money can be the reason people separate but it can also be the reason people stay together.  Finances are often at the forefront of someone’s mind when going through the divorce process.  Not just the legal costs but also how well off they will be afterwards.

From instructing a divorce lawyer, negotiating and attempting to obtain the all-important Financial Consent Order there will be costs incurred.

At the Family Law Company our aim is to simplify the process and the options for you, providing clarity about the cost of divorce in the UK and the associated fees involved. There are things that will need to be paid for like court fees but there are non-adversarial options like mediation or collaborative law to consider that can mitigate costs especially if you and your ex-spouse are amicable.

In England and Wales, financial settlements in divorce proceedings the starting point is an equal division of the assets. Making a decision or considering whether or not to approve an agreement reached by the parties the court will take into account anumber of factors, financial resources and obligations, earning capacity, and housing and income needs and so on.

For some life after divorce brings worries they won’t be able to afford things like holidays, gifts, or outings and may struggle to make ends meet.  If you are more financially vulnerable than your spouse, you may be entitled to spousal maintenance or a lump sum payment as part of the divorce settlement.

Speaking with specialist family lawyers can help you understand your personal situation.


Mediation can be a sensible and cost-effective way to negotiate your finances.  You can go to Mediation and negotiate a settlement and go see a solicitor after to complete the final stages and submit a Financial Order to the Court.  This is a vitally important part of the Divorce to enable parties to achieve a clean break. Find out more What is family mediation? | Mediation | The Family Law Company

Collaborative law

Collaborative law offers an alternative dispute resolution solution for divorcing couples seeking specialist legal representation without resorting to court proceedings.

The focus of this process is to resolve the issues without the need for lengthy and often costly Court proceedings.  Find out more What is Collaborative Law? – The Family Law Co

Reduced rate

Some firms including The Family Law Company do offer reduced rate, If certain criteria is met.

Legal aid

This is not available to everyone but is there to support victims of domestic abuse. If you are under the income / capital limits and can provide evidence of being a victim of domestic abuse we can consider applying for legal aid for you.   Legal aid enables individuals to access legal services through a legal aid certificate.  However, if you retain or preserve any assets throughout the divorce / financial process you will have to pay some or all of your costs incurred under the certificate.  These costs however, are often lower than full private rate and in some circumstances can be charged against a property.

What can we do to help

Understanding the cost of divorce can help alleviate some of the stress involved in the process. If you’re considering a divorce, seeking legal advice early on can help you manage the costs better.

If you’re feeling anxious about money before, during, or after a divorce, many organisations and people are here to help. Reaching out and talking to someone can relieve tension and remind you that you’re not alone.

It is possible to manage the divorce process effectively and efficiently with a clear awareness of the costs involved and the right legal guidance. Our experienced divorce and finance team to always try to be transparent when it comes to cost. You will not be billed for unnecessary work and where appropriate we utilise our team of specialist family paralegals and support to keep costs down.

At The Family Law Company we offer a free initial consultation to go through your If you think legal aid applies to you, tell us and we can talk you through the process.

Get in touch to arrange a free initial consultation.

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