Posted by familylaw on 24th July 2012
Last updated 26th February 2025

Representatives from the Plymouth office of Hartnell Chanot & Partners, the family law specialists, took part in the 7 mile midnight walk for St Luke’s Hospice over the weekend.

The view from the stage as walkers start to gather for their Zumba warm-up.

For the second year running Hartnell Chanot & Partners were the primary sponsor of the event that saw 2,400 women take on 3 different routes in order to raise £180,000. Among those taking part was a team from the firm that consisted of staff, family and friends. Together the team of 9 completed the 7 mile route, setting off at midnight and crossing the finish line at 2:45am and managed to raise £650 for the charity in the process.

Jonathan Madge, Director, was present on the night and took the opportunity to publicly thank all of the participants and organisers for making the event so special and join in with the Zumba warm-up, before seeing off the 7 mile walkers.

The team from Hartnell Chanot & Partners pictured with Jonathan Madge before the start.

St Luke’s has just entered its fourth decade providing their valuable support in Plymouth and to mark this fantastic anniversary, a special 30 mile route was included in the event.

To read the summary article click HERE

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