Posted by familylaw on 19th September 2014
Last updated 26th February 2025
Adoption Conference

On 18th September Robin Tolson QC, Sir Martin Narey, Chair of the Adoption Leadership Board, Shelagh Beckett, independent consultant and trainer in adoption and fostering and Dr Anna Gough, clinical psychologist, each contributed to a very stimulating conference entitled “Adoption- a new era?”

The Family Law Company organised the conference for the benefit of lawyers in private practice and local government, social workers, Cafcass Officers and psychologists, from the South West region.

Just some of the questions raised were:

  • Should we spend more money training specialist foster carers to care for sibling groups and older children?
  • How can we ensure sibling contact is given greater precedence?
  • Is it ever right to separate siblings who have been removed from the care of their parents? Should we be looking to increase the number of children who are adopted?
  • Why has the recent case law led to a reduction in the number of applications for orders placing children for adoption by local authorities?
  • Is it right to increase the number of children placed for adoption if there are insufficient adoption places for them?
  • What can we learn from what children say about fostering and adoption?

These and so many more topics were raised and debated throughout the day amidst presentations by the highly skilled speakers of national eminence.

There is no better way to shape good practice than debating such important topical issues in a multi-disciplinary setting.

Thank you so much to our speakers for providing such insightful talks, and to all who came. We hope you managed to get a lot of of the day and we will keep you updated with information on future events.

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