Posted by familylaw on 26th March 2022
Last updated 26th February 2025
Jennie’s story: From filing clerk to finance director personal career progression is at the heart of the Family Law Company

I am the Finance Director at the Family Law Co and have worked here for 23 years this year.  I have seen the Company grow from 15 to over 80 employees and in that time I have also grown and progressed from when I started in 1998 as a filing clerk and office junior.

Learning while you work

Initially under an NVQ training program I was lucky enough to be able to undertake various NVQ and apprenticeship qualifications as well as carry out my daily tasks.  I would spend hours filing paperwork for all the secretaries and running urgent errands and deliveries around town and to the other solicitor firms.

Growing your career alongside your colleagues

After a year or so I moved onto reception whilst training up our new filing clerk (who is still with the firm and is one of our senior paralegals!) where I gained great experience dealing with our Clients.  Whilst on reception I started to help our accounts manager with jobs here and there and within the next year or so I fell into an accounts assistant role.  I loved learning all aspects from costing the Legal Helps to applying for our Legal Aid payments on account to Client billing.  Our then account manager was ‘old school’ but his knowledge was vast and I loved working with him.

It’s not just about legal careers

TFLC were very encouraging when it came to attending accounts rule courses and gaining qualifications through the Institute of Legal and Financial Management so when it finally came the time for my manager to retire I was ready to step into his shoes.  I had the benefit and experience of a financial consultant and learnt so much from before it was time to part ways and go it alone.  Of course I was not alone.  What any training cannot teach is the experience I have gained from working together with our MD Norman Hartnell, the other Directors, staff and of course my amazing accounts team (who I cannot wait to be with in the office again).  Not only are they work colleagues but great friends and I would not be anywhere else.

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