Posted by familylaw on 14th October 2024
Jess’s story – Each working day is different and I just love the variety. I get up each morning excited to come to work and see what the day has to offer.

I am heading towards my first anniversary at the Family Law Company having joined in December 2023 as a New Client Care Co-ordinator with no background or knowledge of law. To step into an industry that is completely new was a big change for me and to say I was nervous was an understatement.

Although I had experience of working in an office role before, this was a completely different sector and I had no idea what to expect. I soon quickly realised there was no need to have been nervous.  The Family Law Company support and value their colleagues whether that is in a professional manner or personal.

Each working day is different and I just love the variety. I get up each morning excited to come to work to see what the day has to offer. I absolutely love helping people, that is what gets me up in the morning and fuels my day,  knowing that I am helping families and individuals at one of their most vulnerable times.

The Family Law Company culture and people who I work with make each day easier.  Unlike previous roles it feels like we are more than colleagues, we are a family. We all have the same goal and help each other get there. The management are second to none, they listen, they help and most of all they don’t micromanage. I always feel valued and appreciated and that to me is important for a happy and healthy work life.

I am currently in the NCC team and have ambitions that one day I will be team leader alongside the first impressions team. With the help of my colleagues, management and hard work I will get there. I genuinely feel there are no barriers as to which route your career can take at the Family Law Company and that for me is a huge thing when I think about my future.

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