Posted by familylaw on 3rd July 2019
Last updated 26th February 2025

Do you live abroad and have children living in England, with whom there are no orders that you can have contact with them in place? Would you like to get advice about spending time with them? We may be able to help.

A little known provision of the 1980 Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, better known for assisting in cases in child abduction, could help you if you live in a country which is a signatory state to the 1980 Hague Convention and there are no orders in place in England to secure you contact with your child.

Article 21 of the Convention means that a parent living abroad can present to the English Central Authority an application “to make arrangements for organising or securing the effective exercise of rights of access”.

That application, if it meets the requirements of the English Central Authority, will be allocated to a specialist solicitor in England who can apply for legal aid. Once this is in place, they can start to work on your case. The legal aid granted is currently non means tested.

We are specialist solicitors in International Family Law Matters and are part of the Ministry of Justice Panel of Specialist Solicitors in this area. We act for parents in a number of countries who want to spend time with their children in England and can assist you in starting the process and advise you once legal aid is in place.

If you need further information, please contact Grace Bradley on [email protected] or call on 01392 421777.

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