The latest statistics from the FCO have confirmed other organisations’ figure highlighting a dramatic rise in International Child Abduction cases over the last decade.
The FCO report states that in 2003/2004 it was involved in 272 new parental child abduction cases compared to 580 in 2013/2013, the second highest figure ever recorded.
This year alone Reunite, a charity dedicated to reuniting abducted children with the parents who are left behind, has dealt with 447 new cases, involving 616 children. A particular peak in these cases occurred after both Christmas and at the end of the summer holidays.
As part of their campaign to try and tackle this problem head-on and help raise awareness for this increasingly frequent action, the FCO has released a short case study film entitled ‘Caught in the middle’ below:
This film tells the story of Rebecca, a fictional child involved in a parental abduction case. The message from the FCO is that they hope the film will encourage ‘parents to think of the consequences before doing something that could do lasting damage to the children and families involved.’
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