Posted by familylaw on 21st May 2014
Last updated 26th February 2025

Letters are being sent to thousands of single parents in Britain to inform them of the changes to child maintenance.

Child maintenance

Unless parents can agree their own child maintenance payments, they will face a charge from the Government for dealing with the same.

The Government says that the changes will encourage parties to reach their own agreements and that the previous service was too costly for the tax-payer to continue.

However, if parents do not reach an agreement and wish to use the service, both will now be subject to fees.

The parent who has to pay the child support will have a 20% fee added to their maintenance payment whilst the parent receiving the child support will lose 4% of their payment.

There will also be a £20 upfront fee to register with the service.

There are concerns from various charities that these changes may deter parents from contacting the Government for help, particularly because of the levels of charges involved, which raises concerns that children may lose out on vital support.

For further help and assistance with child maintenance, parents can visit

Alternatively, you can contact The Family Law Company on 01392 421777 or 01752 674999 for advice.

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