Posted by Rachel Buckley on 26th May 2023
Last updated 26th February 2025
Divorce in retirement

Getting divorced in retirement comes with its own complexities, in this article experienced divorce lawyer Rachel Buckley shares some of things you need to consider.

For many retirement is supposed to be a time of relaxation and enjoyment so when a retired couple decides to divorce it can bring different worries and emotions than those of younger couples.

But if you are considering divorce in retirement you certainly aren’t alone, according to statistics 1 in 4 people going through divorce are over 50.

Here are some of the key things retirees need to consider if thinking of getting divorced.

Financial Stability

One of the biggest concerns for couples divorcing in retirement is financial stability. With retirement accounts, pensions, and other assets at stake, it can be difficult to navigate through the legal process of divorce. It’s important to work with a financial advisor and family law specialist to ensure that you are protected.


Adult children

Whilst divorcing is arguable easy without small children at home even with grown children it can be tricky.  Try to work with your spouse to explain what’s happened, reassure them and answer any questions they might have. Read our blog post Adult children and divorce | Divorce law | The Family Law Co


Finding a new sense of purpose

Another challenge for those divorcing in retirement is finding a new sense of purpose. After spending many years building a life together, it can be difficult to imagine a new life apart. But it’s important to remember that retirement is a time to pursue new interests and hobbies. Take advantage of the extra time to travel, volunteer, or explore new activities.


Emotional and Physical wellbeing

It’s also important to take care of your emotional and physical health during this time. Divorce can take a toll on mental and physical health, so prioritize self-care and seek support from friends, family, or a counsellor or divorce coach.

Don’t be afraid to find help

For those who are facing a divorce in retirement, there are many resources available to help with the transition. From support groups, divorce coaches to financial planning services, there is help available to make the process as smooth as possible.

Find a family lawyer you have confidence in

Having the right family lawyer for you can be really important.  Lots of family law firms offer a free initial appointment, have online website biographies or videos. Do your research and find someone that not only has strong legal skills but also that you feel confident confiding in.

Remember, life is full of unexpected twists and turns. While divorce is may feel like the end it is also a new beginning.

Need some advice? Get in touch today

Director Rachel Buckley is a multiple award-winning divorce solicitor specialising in complex divorce and finance cases.

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