Posted by familylaw on 1st February 2016
Last updated 26th February 2025

Philippa Buckland looks at trends in divorce statistics

At the end of 2015, some interesting figures were released by the Office of National Statistics. These showed that for the first time in many years, there was a decrease in the number of married couples seeking a divorce. The drop of 2.9% is slight, but as with all statistics this can be interpreted in different ways.

It could be that married couples are choosing to stay together and work harder at their marriages. Or perhaps more people are deciding to live together rather than ‘tie the knot’, which will skew the figures. Another factor might be that as legal aid is no longer available for divorce, it is simply the cost of obtaining a divorce that is preventing some couples from starting proceedings. Others could be worried about the financial consequences of separating their assets.

What also comes out in the figures is that the divorce rate is increasing for the over 50s. This could be put down to the fact that people are living longer, and realising they are simply not prepared to put up with an unhappy situation for the rest of their lives?

The Family Law Company offers a first free half hour to discuss any of your divorce issues. If you decide divorce is the only option, our fixed fee divorce currently costs £450 plus vat and Court fees, payable for those above a certain income.

If you are experiencing matrimonial breakdown but don’t know whether you can afford to divorce, please make an appointment with me for a free, no obligation advice session. I am available at the Neetside Centre in Bude, every Monday and Friday. Call 01288 308759 to book an appointment.

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