Posted by familylaw on 3rd September 2014
Last updated 26th February 2025
empty deck chair

With many of us returning to work and school this week, and with the challenge of the school uniform run over, a number of people will reflect upon the Summer that was and their all-important break in the sun.

Unfortunately, a recent survey found that for many who hoped their break away might solve their relationship problems, this often wasn’t the case. The survey found that 6 out of 10 couples questioned, who had booked a break in the hope that it would help them overcome difficulties in their relationship, said that it hadn’t, and 1 in 10 said the holiday had actually brought the problems into such sharp focus that they started divorce proceedings.

There is no doubt that holidays can add extra pressures to already fragile relationships.  Dealing with the woes of travelling and spending 24/7 in each other’s company can be the last straw.  For some, taking themselves out of their usual routine, with all the pressures and challenges that can present, may give them an opportunity to reflect upon what they really want and they will conclude that separation is the best option for them.

For others, the holiday will have enabled them to discuss how best a separation can take place and, as family lawyers in Devon who advise separating couples, it is certainly our experience that it is preferable for the terms of separation to be agreed amicably.

Whatever the outcome of your own summer holiday, at the Family Law Company we often find that September is one of our busiest times of year, with many people seeking assistance to end a relationship which a holiday break has served only to prove is at an end.

On a more positive note, 33% of respondents to the survey said that taking a break saved their marriage.

Whether your holiday season has been disastrous or constructive, at The Family Law Company we are here to assist you in moving forward in a constructive and cost effective manner so that when you are planning your next holiday it might be from a much rosier outlook.

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