Posted by familylaw on 10th January 2019
Last updated 26th February 2025

You may have seen adverts on television that seem to offer divorces at incredibly low prices, suggesting they can get parties divorced more quickly.

Are these promises too good to be true?


Be wary of promises of a cheap divorce. Some online companies offer packages where they charge in stages. And some companies will charge to provide you with forms which can actually be obtained from the court free of charge.

Court fees are often a hidden disbursement – unless you can satisfy the court that you are on a low income by completion of a fee remission form, you will have to pay court fees.


Divorce often takes between 6 to 8 months and online companies cannot complete the procedures any more quickly than a legal firm – exactly the same protocol has to be followed. Unfortunately, in real life, there is no such thing as a ‘quickie divorce’.


There are potential consequences of concluding your divorce without considering financial matters. Even if there are no assets it is imperative that you seek advice in this regard. If you simply divorce without having a financial agreement in place, either party may be able to come back and make a claim against the other in the future. If you wish to ensure finality between you and your former spouse you must obtain a financial agreement.

How we can help

To start with, The Family Law Company offers a free initial half hour appointment. During this we can discuss your case with you, the options available to you, any risks that we may foresee and the future funding of your case.  We also offer these appointments via Skype if you are unable to visit us in Exeter, Plymouth or Taunton.

We offer a range of hourly rates so you can use us for certain elements of the divorce process. Even if you choose to carry out your own divorce it is worth speaking to a member of our team to look at the forms before lodging them at court.  Any mistakes may not be picked up by the court until much further on in the process meaning delays and further costs.

Get in touch

Contact us to make your free appointment. We’ll give you straightforward advice, based on years of experience as family lawyers.





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