Posted by familylaw on 23rd February 2016
Last updated 26th February 2025

No one ever wishes to instruct a family lawyer to have to deal with matters as a result of their family dispute. Nonetheless, the lives of thousands of people are affected by this situation every year.

How do you move on with your life when your life has changed so dramatically? For many people, consulting with a family lawyer is a prudent choice, helping them to understand what is involved and how to go about it. If you have come to the conclusion that you need to deal with a family dispute, including divorce, you might prefer to call a specialist family lawyer to take away some of the pressures and worries that will undoubtedly follow.

When you have scheduled an appointment with a lawyer, how do you prepare for this meeting? What do you need to consider before you even step into the lawyer’s office?

Here are a few tips to help you prepare.

Consider your purpose

First and foremost, make sure that you know the implications of what you are considering. The important thing here is to avoid litigation for the purpose of revenge or anger. It is a far better approach to understand that you are here to fix the situation and make it better for everybody involved, so you can focus on moving forward in life and finding a brighter future.

Start with a positive attitude. Keep in mind that a positive attitude will lead to a positive outcome.

What to bring with you

If the other party has already sought legal advice, you may have already received correspondence from another firm of lawyers. If this is the case, bring any paperwork along with you. A lawyer will be able to take the burden of this correspondence off your hands and take control of the situation straight away.

However, if you are the first one to seek advice, you only need to bring your identification documents with you. 

When will this all be over? 

It is quite usual for people to want to know what the outcome of their situation is going to be before discussions have started. Your lawyer will be able to give you more information on likely timescales at your initial meeting.

However, family disputes of any kind are particularly sensitive issues, and things can all too easily become nasty. However angry you are, try to remember that the ideal result is to achieve the best possible solution for yourself and all involved. However simple you think your situation is, settling family disputes can take time.

It is important to be willing to share as much information as possible, and answer any questions that you can during your first interview. In certain cases, expert evidence will be required. This can often be complex and timely. Remember that your lawyer will be doing all they can to protect your interest throughout.

Rely on your loved ones

The heartache resulting from any sort of family dispute can be painful. Often, it is simply much easier to try to forget the situation, bury your head in the sand and hope that matters will fix themselves. To help you deal with facing the situation, you may find it helps to turn to family members or friends who may have direct or indirect familiarity with the events surrounding your situation. Such friends and family members are invaluable to you.

And remember, you don’t have to come to the initial interview alone. A close friend or family member can come with you – they are welcome to talk to your family lawyer as well. If you can, why not rely on someone who loves and cares about you?

To arrange a free initial meeting with one of our family lawyers, please contact our reception line on 01392 421 777.

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