Posted by familylaw on 8th January 2019
Last updated 26th February 2025

Going to see a lawyer for the first time can often seem very daunting, particularly when dealing with an emotional issue such as divorce or matters involving children.

We ensure that all clients – whether coming alone or with someone else – are made to feel comfortable and safe during their first visit. From our relaxing reception areas to our friendly highly trained specialist family lawyers, we want all clients to feel welcome.

On their first visit, many clients like to bring a friend or relative for support or to take notes on their behalf. This is often really helpful and has a positive benefit for clients, particularly if they are feeling anxious. In our experience, clients usually find after the first meeting that they can come along to future appointments on their own.

Friends and family members can be a source of strength whilst clients are going through difficult times and may be able to offer useful advice. However, it is always worth being mindful that a friend or family member’s own experience of divorce or settlement may not be similar to yours. For example, a friend might say: “My divorce only took six months – why hasn’t yours concluded yet?” If this happens to you, remember that no two cases are the same; timescales and settlements will vary.

We may suggest that you invest in some professional counselling alongside the divorce process.  Having a professional who is not involved in the proceedings can accelerate the emotional healing process.

At The Family Law Company, we aim to resolve your matter as swiftly as possible with the right outcome for you. If you’re thinking about getting advice regarding divorce please call us to find out details of how we can help.

Please feel free to check out client testimonials to see what our clients say about us.


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