Posted by familylaw on 23rd July 2014
Last updated 26th February 2025

Making the decision to separate can be difficult even if both parties reach this decision by mutual agreement. Often parents worry about the impact that their separation will have on the children. Both the parents and the child’s emotions can be very complex. Children, as well as parents, feel the stress and confusion of what the separation can mean for the future and these anxieties can lead to all those involved feeling angry, sad and frustrated about the prospect of the family unit “splitting up” and uncertain about what life will be like afterwards.

Often families are able to work through this stressful time together and reach an amicable agreement as to how things will work in future, such as when the children will spend time with each parent and who gets what by way of diversion of joint assets. Sometimes, these agreements are aided by an independent mediator. The Family Law Company offer a  family mediation services at our offices in Exeter and Plymouth. If you would like to find out more about our private family mediation services, please contact us today to arrange your free initial appointment. Our experienced family mediators are able to deliver the service across Devon, Somerset, Cornwall and Dorset.

Your ability to communicate successfully with your children, meet their needs, take care of yourself, and maintain a civil relationship with your ex-partner, will all have a positive effect in reaching an amicable agreement.

Sometimes parents are not able to maintain an amicable relationship however and the reasons for separation are too raw. On these occasions our experienced and specialist family lawyers can help. Our lawyers are Resolution trained which means we are required to abide by the Resolution code of conduct and be committed to resolving disputes in a non-confrontational way. We help promote an approach to family law that is sensitive, constructive, cost-effective and most likely to result in an agreement.

We can help you facilitate and negotiate an effective workable solution with or without the need to issue Court proceedings. Our experienced and specialist children team lawyers can help you with the arrangements for the children i.e. where they will live and when they will spend time with each parent. If the assistance of the Court is needed it is likely that CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) will become involved. They are asked by the Court to become involved in cases once an application has been issued with the Court.  In June 2014, CAFCASS received a total of 2,651 new private law children cases.They are independent of the Courts, social services, education and health authorities and all similar agencies. CAFCASS is the voice of children in the Family Courts and helps to ensure that the child’s welfare is put first during proceedings. This is also a paramount consideration of our specialist family lawyers.

Whether you are looking for assistance by way of family mediation or negotiations or assistance through the Court process, we guarantee that we take a different approach to many other traditional family law practices. Rather than focus on blame our family law solicitors promote a problem solving approach and lead the way in constructive methods of resolving family disputes. Above all, we want to find a solution that is right for the whole family and is arrived at in the most amicable way possible.

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