Christmas – a day of tradition, families joining together, presents exchanged and food shared. This single day in our calendar year has a momentous build up involving a whirlwind of gift-buying, carols, nativity plays and preparations. Couples may become fractious or argumentative, finances may be stretched and issues that have bubbled under the surface all year slowly creep to light. Often these problems are often brushed away to create the illusion of a ‘happy’ family Christmas.
Don’t blame Christmas for break ups
The stress of Christmas has been blamed for years for the increase in divorce in January, with one in four couples choosing to divorce after the celebrations. However, recent research suggests that the reason break-ups so often occur after Christmas is that couples stay together over the festive season for the sake of their children or loved ones.
Rather than Christmas arguments causing a divorce, the separation is usually already in the pipeline. Christmas could be seen as the final hurdle for a couple to overcome before they can be honest about their relationship issues.
If a break-up is on the horizon following this year’s festivities the best way forward to try to remain on amicable terms with your spouse both now and in the New Year.
Keeping communication honest, open and polite will go a long way in helping to navigate your way through the Christmas period and beyond. Choosing to attempt a final family Christmas for the sake of children or loved ones is a caring course of action. If you have children, it is important that they remain protected from any arguments and the consequences of a relationship break up.
If you need advice during the Christmas break please call 01392 421777. Our offices will reopen after Christmas at 9.00am on Wednesday 28th December until 5.00pm on Friday 30th December. We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
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