Posted by Natalie Symons on 6th August 2024
Making the most of the summer holidays when you’re on your own

There will be times in your life when you’re suddenly on your own whether this is through a recent divorce, your children are with their other parent, or perhaps they’ve left home. Specialist family lawyer and single parent Natalie Symons shares some ideas for making the most of your free time over the summer holidays.

So, you now have time to fill that you would not have had previously for various reasons. Be brave, seize this moment, get out of your comfort zone and enjoy your freedom. Here are some ideas for making the most of your alone time.

  1. Make a bucket list, give yourself ideas for goals to achieve on a once in a lifetime basis as well as general goals to achieve on a daily basis.
  2. Many of our clients live in the beautiful south west. Get outside, whether this is a walk in your local park, a run or a perhaps hike on the moors or coastal path.
  3. Try a new activity. It might be something you do on your own or that your family can join in with. Cold water swimming at the local beach, yoga in the park or perhaps something more adventurous like coasteering.
  4. Personal care – Pause to read a book or magazine, make yourself that coffee you always wanted without interruptions or have a spa day.
  5. Choose things that give you energy – perhaps go to the movies, the theatre or eat out with friends.
  6. Learn something new. Try joining a class or learning a new skill like a musical instrument.
  7. Get cooking. Eating well is important. Cook or bake, this could be just for you or for your neighbours.
  8. Make new connections and friends. Interact and socialize with likeminded people or people you would not normally interact with.
  9. Go on trip or holiday for solo travellers. Meeting new people and discovering new places can offer a new perspective and build confidence.
  10. Discover local events. Look up free events near you, whether this is free entry to attractions, festivals or local activities. Try places you wouldn’t ordinarily have been to.

Push your boundaries, overcome your fear and anxieties whether this is a small or large achievement. You may need time to yourself to help with your self-esteem, to improve your mental health, to be happy and content with who you are, or just to recharge your batteries.

With working full time and being a single mother I note how hard it can be to have time to yourself or give yourself permission to do something just for you but have a plan, fill up your happiness cup and make the most of your free time.

The summer holidays are a great time to enjoy the sunshine and be yourself.

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