Posted by Naomi Tonge on 30th September 2024
Police take steps to provide extra support for victims of domestic abuse

The police recently announced a new pathway for victims of domestic abuse to access support upon calling 999. Trainee Solicitor Naomi Tonge explains.

Domestic abuse specialists will be embedded in 999 control rooms in England and Wales as part of the government’s pledge to halve violence against women and girls in a decade.

According to the Government almost 100 domestic abuse-related offences were recorded every hour on average last year and so any changes appear to be a positive step in the right direction for support of victims of domestic abuse. Under the announced plans, domestic abuse specialists will be in emergency control rooms as part of a pilot project from next year.

Our lawyers see firsthand the challenges that those seeking help have to go through and are pleased to see the positive steps that the Police are making. The hope is that this will allow victims of domestic abuse to feel able to step forward and report the crimes that have been committed. Doing so with the knowledge that they will receive a fast and empathetic response from the appropriate professional.

Our domestic abuse response team provides legal advice to victims of domestic abuse to help them find the right method of protection for themselves and their children whilst providing the guidance to move forward following the breakdown of a relationship.

If domestic abuse cases are better handled at the first point of contact thanks to the addition of professionals to 999 control rooms it can only be a good thing. This initiative demonstrates a strong commitment from the police to better support victims, ensuring their cries for help are met with the urgency and understanding they deserve. We can make a difference for victims of domestic abuse by working together to make our communities safer and by providing them with the resources they need to rebuild their lives after suffering abuse.

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