Posted by familylaw on 18th December 2024
Last updated 26th February 2025
Making positive changes for yourself is everyday brave even when others might not see it that way

As part of our Everyday Bravery video series we asked ex-professional sportsman and leadership development consultant Don to share what everyday bravery means to him.

Don describes everyday bravery as finding the bravery to do the things that you think of as hard, something particular to you, which others may not see as particularly brave. He thinks bravery is all relative and personal to the individual.

One way of facing this is to take whatever it is that you are trying to be brave about and find small steps to navigate your way through. There’s a saying that if you find yourself in hell, keep walking – because if you don’t keep walking you stay in hell. Being brave is understanding the power of taking that first, small step.

Daily, ordinary people do extraordinary things. Not the superhero type of brave but everyday bravery to help them tackle what’s worrying them head on. At The Family Law Company, we want to celebrate people in our communities who are living everyday bravery.

Perhaps they are overcoming health issues that might otherwise hold them back, or they are there for others even when their own lives are difficult, or they’ve stepped out of their comfort zone to try something completely new. If you know someone like this, nominate them now and acknowledge their everyday bravery: Everyday Bravery – The Family Law Co

For over 30 years, The Family Law Company has stood beside those making brave decisions. We are brave is our core value. We understand that every act of courage, no matter how large or small, deserves specialist support. Whether that is our clients or colleagues being brave. We want to lead the celebration of everyday bravery, we hope to inspire others to recognise and embrace their own courage, making a positive impact in our communities and beyond.

For more stories and inspiration from those who have found their everyday bravery click here.

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