Posted by familylaw on 10th September 2024
You are going to be afraid but when you get up and take that step – that’s Everyday Bravery

In our Everyday Bravery stories series, we asked eight people to share their story of everyday bravery. In this video, Toby Gorniak MBE, hip hop artist and life coach, shares his story.

At age 14, Toby moved to the UK, arriving at school knowing no-one and not being able to speak the language. He still had to turn up and take part. He says that every day during that time he had to overcome some kind of fear.

But he has gone on to do incredible things. This includes becoming a talented dancer, running his own business, carrying the Olympic torch, and receiving his MBE. For Toby, everyday bravery means taking every opportunity. You may feel scared – but do it anyway.

Each day, ordinary people do extraordinary things. At The Family Law Company, we want to celebrate people in our communities who are living everyday bravery. People who are finding their courage to leave home each morning, helping others even when things have been tough in their own lives, or stepping out of their comfort zone in another way. Not just the superhero kind of brave, but brave enough to make decisions that feel incredibly hard.

If you know someone who is everyday brave, nominate them here: Everyday Bravery – The Family Law Co

For over 30 years, The Family Law Company has stood beside those making brave decisions, and it is our core value. We understand that every act of courage, no matter how large or small, deserves specialist support. Whether that’s our colleagues being brave or our clients. We are dedicated to providing the necessary support and guidance to ensure that everyone can navigate their challenges with confidence.

By celebrating everyday bravery, we hope to inspire others to recognise and embrace their own courage, making a positive impact in our communities.

For more stories and inspiration from those who have found their everyday bravery click here.

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