Posted by familylaw on 18th May 2012
Last updated 26th February 2025

The Grandparents’ Association Annual Conference 2012 will be held on the 18th June 2012 at Legal and General, One Coleman Street, London.

The focus of this year’s conference will be on the importance of being a grandparent and will feature speakers and debate from a cross section of professionals who are working to highlight the importance of grandparents.

Family lawyer, Stephen Sowden, of Hartnell Chanot & Partners will be one of the speakers and will be sharing his experiences and providing advice on how grandparents can work with the legal system to resolve access issues.

Other speakers include:

  • Robert Halfon MP
  • Cathy Ashley, Family Rights Group

To see the full agenda and to register your place please click here.

The Grandparents Association was set up in 1987 by a group of grandparents whose grandchildren had been put into care, adopted from care or were not allowed any contact with them. It has grown into a thriving national charity, with around 1,000 members nationwide made up of grandparents and organisations. Its mission is to improve the lives of children by working with and for all grandparents.


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