Posted by familylaw on 19th December 2011
Last updated 26th February 2025

Fathers with Parental Responsibility have rights and responsibilities to their children. In return for these responsibilities, you have contact with your children, and the Family Courts have to do everything possible for you to see your children.

Having an amicable relationship with your ex is the best way to stay in close touch with your children and, although not legally binding, it is a good idea to have all of the details concerning contact (who, when, where, or possible restrictions) in writing, to avoid potential conflict in the future.

Stick to the arrangements

If contact and residence rights have been agreed between you and your ex without going to court, it is important that you both stick to the arrangements established – arriving promptly for each visit and never missing a visit. Missed visits with a parent can be extremely harmful to your child, and if one parent consistently misses scheduled visitations, the courts may intervene to protect your child.

Be flexible

If arrangements have been worked out privately, or in mediation, court-issued contact orders will prove unnecessary. However, even where a Contact Order is issued, often the parents are allowed to work out the details for themselves. Be flexible and open to suggestions.

Taking your child on holiday

Unless you have residence, you should not attempt to take your children out of the country, even for a short holiday, without written permission from their mother.

If you are experiencing contact issues, or you feel that your partner is being unreasonable, please contact us for further information.

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