There are many reasons for a father to move away following a divorce.
Some move to be nearer family and friends, others find themselves having to work away. It may not always be your choice, especially if your ex-partner meets someone new and decides to move, taking the children with them.
Whatever the reason, any parent relocating can be upsetting for the children and for this reason it’s essential to their welfare that you maintain regular contact.
Keep In Touch
Invite your children to stay for regular weekend and holiday visits. For everyone’s convenience arrange visits in advance and mark them up with your children on a calendar so they can look forward to it.
Make The Most of Modern Technology
Between visits, email and texts provide the perfect way to communicate with your children. Phone calls are also a good way to stay in touch. It’s a good idea to create a schedule for them so both you and your children know when to be available.
Keep Your Word
A parent moving away can be a source of great anxiety to children. It is essential, therefore, that you are 100% reliable in all your contact arrangements. This means phoning when you say you will, being on time to collect or drop them off and making them your number one priority.
Make The Most Of Your Time
Living away makes it more difficult to see your children and travelling between parents can also be stressful for them. Make an effort to ensure you enjoy quality time together, cooking a meal, going to the park, watching a family film, reading, and lots of cuddles are all ideal. Occasional treats are good, but low key family activities are most reassuring. Above all, be affectionate and let them know you love and care for them even though you live away.
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