Posted by familylaw on 21st December 2011
Last updated 26th February 2025

After your parent’s divorce, your mum or dad might decide not to have contact with you anymore. This is always very difficult to understand and it’s important to remember it is never your fault.

There are many reasons why one of your parents may decide not to have contact with you. Divorce can be difficult and overwhelming and they may think it’s in your best interests not to see them anymore. Sometimes, parents can get very sad and angry and their only way to cope is not to see their children anymore.

Sometimes, one of your parents may not be allowed to see you anymore because they have been hurting you in some way and you need to be protected from them. Although it may be a relief not to see them anymore because they were hurting you, it is normal to have very mixed feelings about it and to miss them.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Losing contact with your mum or dad can be very difficult to cope with and there are many people out there who can help you get through it and understand it. Speak to the parent you still live with and tell them how you feel. If you can’t do this, speak to your social worker if you have one, or a school counsellor who can give you help and advice or contact one of the many helplines for young people in your situation.

Remember you are not alone

There are many great organisations who can help you – check out our who to talk to category for links and contact details to useful organisations.

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