When families break up some things change and others stay the same. Lots of things you used to do will stay the same. You will still get up and go to school, see your friends and enjoy your hobbies and interests as before.
“When my mum and dad broke up dad moved out to live in a flat. Now I go and stay with him at weekends and live with mum in the week. I stayed at the same school though and still live near my friends.” James, 12.
You are still you, no matter how many parents you live with. It may help to remember you are not the only one whose parents are divorced. It may be easier to tell your friends one at a time. Spending time with friends may make you feel less lonely. Good friends will be a comfort to you.
“Mum and dad don’t live together anymore but they both come to parent’s evening and they both still want to read my school report!” Tory, 10.
“We moved house and I went to a new school. I was nervous at first but I joined the football club and that helped me make new friends.” Jack 11.
“Mum has got a full time job now so I have to be more helpful around the house and try to put my clothes away.” Joe, 13.
Your parents may need you to take care of yourself a little more. You can make things easier for your parents if you pitch in and help.
If it helps, write your questions down before you speak to them – this keep things clear. They may not be able to give you an answer straight away but they can then keep you up to date on the changes happening in your lives.
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