Posted by familylaw on 21st December 2011
Last updated 26th February 2025

Family break up can mean you see less of the parent you no longer live with. Often you will see them for regular visits at weekends, once a month or during school holidays. These visits are called ‘contact’ visits.

Lots of young people say that keeping in contact with both parents helps them to deal with the difficulties of family break-up and helps them feel part of a loving family.

Sometimes, one of your parents might move away and face-to-face contact becomes less regular. It’s especially important in this case to make use of other ways of keeping in touch.

My dad moved 100 miles away and got a new job after my family broke up. At first I was really sad because I only saw him two weekends a month but then we started emailing each other twice a week. Now I look forward to his emails…some of them are really funny.” Josh 12.

Ways To Stay In Touch

There are many ways to keep in touch such as:

  • Phone calls
  • Email
  • Text Messages
  • Web Cams / Skype
  • Letters
  • Internet (social networking sites)

It’s fun to share photographs and videos with your parents over the Internet and keep them up to date with what you are doing. Remember though, your mum and dad may not be as up to speed with how the Internet works and you might have to give them some help!

Plan Ahead

It often helps to arrange times to make phone calls.This way you can look forward to it and both make sure you will be in and ready to talk.

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