Posted by familylaw on 21st December 2011
Last updated 26th February 2025

In the 21st century, families come in different shapes. You may live with your mother and father, or as part of a step-family or you may be living with your grandparents.

Grandparents are more involved in young people’s lives now than ever before. They often look after children while their parents are at work and sometimes, when it is not possible for those children to live with their parents, they look after them all the time.

When your parents break up, if you go to live with your grandparents, it will be a big change for you. You may have seen them before for visits or weekends but living with them all the time is different and may be confusing at first. You may miss living with your parents and feel sad and this is completely normal.

As with all changes following family break up, it’s important to talk about your feelings. Try speaking to your grandparents about how you feel and see if you can work together to makes things better. If you can’t talk to your grandparents, speak to your teacher, school counsellor or social worker if you have one.

You might find your grandparents have different ideas about house rules and it’s important to talk to them about what they are. See if you can tell them what you are used to and if you can come to an agreement about how you’re going to live together. Remember, they may be much older than you, but they do love you and have a lot of fun and wisdom to offer.

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