Posted by familylaw on 21st December 2011
Last updated 26th February 2025

The biggest change when your parents get divorced is that you will no longer live with both of them as you did before.

Your mum and dad may arrange for you to spend half your time in one parent’s house and half in the others, or you might live with one parent and have contact visits with the other, maybe staying for weekends and school holidays.

It can take a while to get used to living with one parent and you may have lots of different feelings about it. You might have moved to a smaller house, or found your mum or dad has less money and needs to go to work more often. Your mum or dad may be very tired at the end of the day and you could feel they do not have time for you.

Helping Out

It can make things easier if you help out around the house more. This can help things run more smoothly and free up time for you to spend with your parents. Sometimes when your parents split up you can find that each of them is happier and more relaxed so that you have more enjoyable times with both of them.

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