Posted by familylaw on 20th June 2024
Last updated 26th February 2025
From Canada to Plymouth for family specialist

The Family Law Company’s Plymouth office has announced the appointment of Lisa Reeve, a qualified lawyer in Canadian law.

Lisa grew up in Canada where she took her undergraduate and Masters’ degrees before moving the UK to study for a law degree at the University of Exeter. She worked at a Plymouth law firm before returning to Canada where she handled personal injury, Wills and family law cases. Lisa qualified in January 2020, and her case load focused on all areas of family law.

During the pandemic Lisa returned to the UK whilst still working for the Canadian firm remotely. In 2023, she decided to stay permanently and began working in family law in Plymouth, joining The Family Law Company in June to concentrate on private children cases.

Lisa said: “Family law is a rewarding area to work in, clients are often at a difficult time in their lives, and I appreciate the chance to help them to navigate the legal processes. Children work in particular is fulfilling as you know you are helping children towards a better situation.”

Lisa is currently studying for the SQE (Solicitors Qualifying Exam) enabling her to practice as a solicitor in England and Wales in addition to representing clients in Canada. “There’s a major difference between the two jurisdictions. Practising in Canada is unique, as a lawyer combines working both as a solicitor and barrister so you can meet all the needs of your client by representing them in office and in any Court. This differs to the legal set up here, where a barrister is a separate role to a solicitor.”

For Lisa’s new clients, this means she will be able to undertake both roles. “While some clients may prefer a barrister, for others there is a definite benefit in having someone who has detailed knowledge of them and their case representing them in court.”

This isn’t the first time Lisa has come into contact with The Family Law Company. She was initially interviewed by Director Jonathan Madge in 2016 when she successfully applied for a paralegal role. “On that occasion I turned the role down as I decided to return to Canada. But this time, I was ready!”

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