A civil partnership is a legal relationship which can be registered by two people of the same sex or of different sexes. A civil partnership gives you the same rights and responsibilities as marriage.
Last week saw another milestone for Scotland as the Civil Partnership between persons of different sexes (prescribed bodies) (Scotland) Regulations 2021 were passed.
What is the Civil Partnership between persons of different sexes (Prescribed Bodies) (Scotland) Regulations 2021?
These regulations were made on 18 January 2021 and were laid before the Scottish Parliament on 20 January 2021. These regulations are applicable to those residing in Scotland and will provide that celebrants of religious or belief bodies are able to register civil partnerships between couples of different sexes in Scotland.
Another step in the milestone to civil partnerships for all
These changes first came about in June 2020 when MSPs unanimously backed the Civil Partnership (Scotland) Bill, which means that all couples in Scotland will have the same choice of marriage or civil partnership if they decide to formalise their relationship.
There is secondary legislation that needs to be passed but the Scottish Government aims for mixed sex civil partnership registration to begin in Scotland in June 2021.
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