Posted by familylaw on 17th August 2017
Last updated 26th February 2025

Each month we are featuring one of our solicitors or chartered executives. We feel strongly that our clients should be matched with the right lawyer, so this is one way of finding out a little more about our team.

Our first lawyer of the month is Anne Shears. Anne works from our Plymouth office.

  1. What is your job title?


  1. How long have you been at The Family Law Company?

Since August 2014

  1. How did you come to be at TFLC?

A move from another Plymouth firm. I trained with them and was there for nearly 10 years. It was time for me to make a change to progress and I was excited to move to a firm specialising in family law

  1. What inspired you to go into family law?

Every case is different, the law might be the same but there are no two relationships that are the same and neither any two break ups. I love to see people emerge throughout a case as they start to put themselves back together after the horrendous event that is the breakdown of a relationship and move into their future

  1. Describe your specialism/s

Divorce/relationship breakdown and finance. I also advise a little about child arrangements. I really enjoy the other side of our work, too, when we are approached by couples looking to enter into cohabitation or prenuptial agreements

  1. What would you say are your key strengths as a family lawyer?

Patience and kindness. I am forceful if I need to be but I prefer to try to progress a case as calmly as possible. Often, separating couples have children together or links that are not broken by divorce.  Inevitably, there will be future wonderful events such as, graduation, weddings, grandchildren and so the more ‘friendly’/gentle the breakup, the better the future. Not always possible, but we give it a go!

  1. What is the achievement you are most proud of in your job?

Something small happens most days. It can be when you think of something a client has not got the head space to come up with themselves or they just say thank you. I’m also proud of being able to calmly approach most situations. I think the ability to do this comes with my experience and being part of team that is open to talk through files or any unusual queries that are raised

  1. Why do you think TFLC is different from other family lawyers?

This is all we do and we are passionate about it. I have not yet come up against a situation that we couldn’t resolve. We have lawyers here that are not only specialist family lawyers, they specialise in one or two specific areas of family law. That, I believe, is of huge benefit to clients

  1. Are there any related volunteering roles you undertake?

I am a Trustee of Effervescent Social Alchemy. “Effervescent is a charity which researches the impact of arts on individuals and devises new ways to make those impacts stronger. The main body of work is around programmes of work, services, or experiences which address unmet needs in client groups and social realm organisations.”

Examples of groups that the charity has worked with are young carers and children who have suffered child sexual exploitation.

I support the organisation as I have witnessed the work that is done with groups of children for which there is no other/little support. There are young people who have worked with Effervescent who have gone on to undertake Art degrees and others who have simply been able to meet others going through similar struggles to their own. I am very proud to work with them and believe that the work that is done can change the lives of young people.

I am also a Director of the Family Foraging Kitchen CIC –

We are a community interest company specialising in foraging and educating people about wild food. In particular, working with children and people on low incomes/living in poverty. I am very proud to now be part of this locally based company especially at this very exciting time when we are hoping to grow to be able to reach more people.

  1. What do you do to relax?

I love to cook and I collect cookery books – the older, the better. I also run (with all the eating, there needs to be some moving!)

I have recently embarked on DIY antics at home including painting furniture (my partner recently suggested that I couldn’t paint everything and I have taken this as a challenge!). I also like to potter in my very small garden with mixed success.

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