Posted by familylaw on 31st August 2012
Last updated 26th February 2025

For most of us the 31st of August means that we are just a couple of days away from having to slide our flip flops to the back of the wardrobe for another 9 months. We face the startling reality that before we have managed to get around to shaking the last of the sand from that underutilised beach towel, the Christmas marketing wagon will have rolled into every high street or department store across the country and winter will be well under way.

Indeed the weather conditions that we experienced on Wednesday, a day that saw many of our solicitors arrive at work looking as though they had just been for a swim, didn’t do much to suspend the inevitable truth that autumn was almost hear.

The last few days of summer have delivered so much more than just a couple of days of much needed sunshine. The lawyers of our Exeter office have had a fantastic week, delivering a number of extremely positive outcomes for their clients and receiving wonderful praise in return.

Clients have been in touch to thank us for standing up for them when they felt like they had nowhere else to turn. In response to notification regarding a letter being sent out ‘Miss G’ commented; ‘Genius as always!’

Norman Hartnell, Director, commented; ‘All of our solicitors are highly skilled professionals with a wealth of experience in family law and the majority have chosen to specialise in this line of work because they want to help people. We love to hear that we are making a positive difference to the lives of our clients.’

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